Se busca un “Community Manager”

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Se busca un “Community Manager”, the Company’s CEO called IT Director and the question was: Why we aren’t on Facebook?

Searching a Community Manager
Searching a Community Manager

The Company’s CEO called IT Director and the question was: Why we aren’t on Facebook?

The IT Director said, because we haven’t a “Community Manager”, the CEO shouted, what the hell webmaster does?

Some years ago

In the early days of the Internet; the Webmaster was the only one to hang the information on the “www”. The Webmaster should know the hypertext markup language (HTML), Java script, action scripts, php, mysql, as well, applications for image processing, do not forget the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), file transfer protocol (ftp), the mail transfer protocol (SMTP, etc.). All these, part of the Internet Protocol family, sometimes called set of TCP / IP.

With the arrival of new online resources, such as content management system (CMS) until blogs pages; discussion forums and chat rooms, this resources allow many people to express more easily and democratic ideas and thoughts.

Internet 2

But Social Networks (aka Social Media) are here to put upside down and turn over the way we publish information on the Internet; even, we don’t need a domain and hosting to publish the last weekend personal photos or «upload» our videos at friday party with friends.

The buzzwords are “Tweet”, “Facebook”, «Pint it», «What’s up», «Hashtag», nobody remenber the old MS Messenger. Young people’s preferences are easy way to upload photos, videos, share top ten songs and chat, all within the same platform and Facebook is leading social networks in number of users (more then 800 million).

How to avoid users complaining

The companies today are targeting this universe, to have closer contact with customers; the message from a satisfied customer replicated among the other customers and just an angry customer will have a big negative impact in the circle of Company’s consumers.

This community needs to contact a spokesman with, and management requires a communicator to customers.

In the universe of “Social Media” that messenger or spokesman is the “Community Manager”; which shall transmit the questions of one side and clear answers on the other side.

The “Community Manager” is then «The Man» or «The Woman», the person doing “public relations” whose job is to link a company with all their stakeholders, the customers even the employes.

Both sides communications

The communication is bidirectional. At the same time; receives questions and feedback, the main purpose is to manage the company’s image, so first own internal human resources and then externally through inter-institutional relations with other companies or other ones, not necessarily related to the main activity of the Company.

It is also important work together with other disciplines and areas such as psychology, sociology, advertising, marketing and human relationships, it is necessary to understand people.

What about the technology?

If a “Community Manager” is not, up to date in technology, is not ready for this job.  Some qualities or skills for a “Community Manager” includes being a “Techno Geek”, always “on line”, with broad knowledge of Web 2.0, in addition innate qualities to pro-activity, leadership, full of ideas and have good writing.

Now the CEO…, is trying to find a CM, if you meet these requirements, you are ready for a new emerging profession with high demand.

As usual, here are some directions where to find more information about the CM “Community Manager”.

Y surge el community manager – Social Media

La evolución profesional del community manager

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